deals available in store

Interior and Exterior Doors
Lowest prices in town! Large selection of interior hollow-core and solid-core door slabs. Bypassing closet doors. Interior pre-hung units stocked daily! Solid-core exterior door slabs in stock.
Looking to upgrade your entry doors? Ask us about our special order exterior door options! We are Therma -Tru dealers. Stop by for a quote today!

Wholesale Deals
Our store is open to the public, but we also have deals for contractors and builders. Contact us for more information about our wholesale options! We offer deals on truckloads of flooring, insulation, plywood and more building materials!

Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinets
We can help you plan out your kitchen or bathroom remodel! No matter the size of the project. We can walk you through the entire process by helping you out with cabinetry design and selection, countertop options, and full installation services. Or ask us about our DIY specials! If you're doing the work yourself, we can help out with materials! We have a growing variety of options when it comes to cabinetry. Find the perfect fit for your home! Browse our gallery below!

Free Estimates
Contact us for more information. Send pictures and rough measurements of your kitchen layout for a free estimate!
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